
GET api/v{version}/models

Requests all available models

GET api/v{version}/models/{modelId}

Requests details for a given model

GET api/v{version}/models/{modelId}/apply?smiles={smiles}

Applies a model to a chemical and waits for the result

GET api/v{version}/models/{modelId}/domain

Retrieves user-defined domain settings for the specified model (or globally)

PUT api/v{version}/models/{modelId}/domain

Sets user-defined domain settings for the specified model (or globally)


GET api/v{version}/user

Retrieves user details for the current user

PUT api/v{version}/user/email?email={email}

Updates the email of the current user

PUT api/v{version}/user/inform/{inform}

Sets inform mode on or off

PUT api/v{version}/user/flush

Clears all stored predictions


GET api/v{version}/jobs

Requests all the jobs of the asking user

GET api/v{version}/jobs/{status}

Requests all the jobs with the specified status

GET api/v{version}/jobs/{jobId}

Requests the status of a particular job

GET api/v{version}/jobs/{jobId}/result

Requests the result of a finished job

POST api/v{version}/jobs/{modelId}

Starts a new job that will calculate the given chemical by the selected model

DELETE api/v{version}/jobs/{jobId}

Cancels a running job